150,000 people will die today!
Do you know where YOU will spend eternity?
Take the GOOD PERSON test below to find out!



Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sowers Class News June 28th

"You are a chosen people, royal priests, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession." - 1 Peter 2:9

Does your self-esteem ever sag? When it does, remember what you are worth. "You were bought, not with something that ruins like gold or silver, but with the precious blood of Christ, who was like a pure and perfect lamb. (1 Peter 1:18-19)
The challenge is to remember that. To meditate on it. To focus on it. To allow his love to change the way you look at you. (Max Lucado)

We met John & Julie on the trail and we invited them to church and Sunday School last Saturday . . . and they CAME!!

Notes from Class:
4 Things that are Instrumental
Worship: give worth to God
Fellowship: give worth to others
Discipleship: give worth to learning
Stewardship: give worth to managing
Evangelism: give worth to the Gospel


*** We will continue to meet in the Lower Fireside room while renovations are taking place in the school.
****We will NOT be meeting on the trail this weekend due to the holiday weekend.

Pray that you are able to meet the needs of others today!
Have a blessed week!

The Power of Prayer

We need to keep Gail in our prayers as she is now having severe pain going down her left leg and back area. She had to lay flat with heat and cold. It has been caused by her failed back surgery since the S1 did not fuse, and the screw broke in the bone, it causes a lot of pressure on the SI Jt. She called her Dr and he will get back to her Tues. as he is out. She will probably go in for an injection on Wed. and Gail would like to thank you for all of your prayers.

Gail's Divine Appointment:
Marlene and I had coffee at McDonalds about a week and a half ago. I noticed this older man sitting by himself. We got our drinks and as we walked by him, he looked up, I said hi to him. He was sitting in the booth behind us. Later, He got up and went to the restroom and when he came back by Marlene said hi to him. He stopped and asked if he could sit with us. We both said of course. He had surgery lung/heart early last year and ended up having 4 surgeries in 9 hours. Something went wrong. He said he was in coma for 2 months. He then said he really didn't want to live. He felt useless and walked with a cane. We both said, don't feel like that, you are able to drive,lots of people have to use canes. The Lord then prompted me to ask if he knew where he would go if he were to die now. He said yes and then I asked if he knew Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Once again he said yes.He said he just wasn't the same person.His memory is not good. The Lord then prompted me to ask if I could pray with him,He said that would be nice if I kept it short.I prayed with Marlene and Mr. Jones and when I finished, he was very thankful. I pray that he left a little more uplifted then before we talked and prayed.