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Monday, June 15, 2009

Go and SOW the seeds of salvation!

Class Notes June 7th

Happy Summer!!
I trust that you are having a wonderful start to the week.
(Thanks to Janean for the wonderful notes. :)


***The trail ministry is underway! Thanks to everyone that came and passed out bible tracts and water! Hope to see you next week on the trail from 8:30-11:00!
Meet us at the annex (on Linden) by Linden and Vernon.
(I will be sending out some other dates & times to meet at Walmart, Miller Park, and some other parks to pass out tracts! Pray that you will be willing to share the best news of all in our very own mission field in Bloomington/Normal!

Prayer Requests:

Pray for Barbara, she can't make it to church anymore due to physical limitations after 34 years as a member.

Also, for Rebecca a prayer request. She's having surgery to remove scar tissue on June 11. It's been a set back emotionally and she won't be able to help with the move.

Gail's doctor at the pain center didn't like how her leg was healing. She may be developing RSD - a bad chronic condition. The Dr. has some ideas for treatment. Th nerves may be firing wrong.

Ken's dad, also named Ken will be getting a new pacemaker. If it doesn't work he'll be put on the transplant list.

Brian - pray for his friend in Afghanistan.

Janean shared that she'd given notice at work after 11+ years. Her last day will be Friday June 19. That the number of hours and stress was hurting her family and it was time to make a change - even though she doesn't know what's next.

Please pray for everyone in our class, for their courage to witness, any unspokens, health needs, and their families and friends!

-Keep everyone safe in their summer travels!

-Pray for Mr. & Mrs. Good and for all that they do to encourage us to be sowers!

You are NOT too young, too old, too busy to do the Lord's work . . . we don't want to be too late! The Lord is coming!

-Glennie's sister Rebecca - a praise is that they are moving into their own house 2 1/2 years after losing theirs in a tornado. They've been able to save money while living with his parents. The previous owners flipped the house so everything is brand new.

-Sheldon's surgery went well. It was more invasive than they'd anticipated but he's doing well.

-Ralph's friend with the 6 way bypass is doing great and walking 3 miles a day. Karen said that those are the patients they worry about who do too much too soon and push their recovery.

Thank you to Rich who taught the lesson this Sunday. It was the first time he was teaching someone older than a 3rd grade boy and that 3rd grade boys are scarier to face.

Apologetics was the topic and he went into some of the sub topics they've covered in 3rd grade. He asked us as parents if we knew what our children knew - about the world and about the Bible. Have we really taught them to BELIEVE what they BELIEVE?

He touched on so many things as he spoke. He shared the similarities between himself and Mr. Good.

He shared that he's a King James guy when it comes to Bible translations. That Mary was a virgin, not a young girl.

He quoted Patrick Henry, "For evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

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