150,000 people will die today!
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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Where Will YOU Spend Eternity?

Oh, it was sweet to sit down and talk with one of my daughter's 14 year old friends, Nicolle, last night while she was sitting in our kitchen. We were all talking about something . . . and I asked Nicolle if she had ever received a million dollar bill? She smiled when I gave it to her and then I proceeded to give her the BIG money, a few more million dollar bible tracts, AND showed her the optical illusion one too! She was amazed and excitedly told Kienna, "So that is where you got all of those!"

I asked Nicolle, who came with us to church last week, if she knew where she was going to go when she dies. She told me that she was hoping she would go to heaven. I asked her why she thought she would go to heaven and she was pretty flustered because she really didn't know why and tried to recite some things that she has heard in the past, but really didn't know how to respond. I then took her through three of the commandments and said that if she were to stand before God on judgment day, where she would go and she said, "I guess I would go to hell." Then, I got to tell her about the best news of all. "You don't have to go to heaven. What you need to do is find a quiet place and pray to God. You need to ask the Lord to forgive you of all of your sins and believe that Jesus came upon this earth to die for our sins so we could spend all of eternity with Him." She replied, "I really need to do this!" Hooray! I was elated and thankful that the Lord gave us the opportunity to talk. It was such a blessing and I praise God for the time we had.

I asked Nicolle if she would like to come to church with us and she said that she would LOVE to and that her mom is looking for a new church. Pray that they are able to come and the Lord speaks to their hearts! - Amy
"On the day when the Lord Jesus comes, . . . all the people who have believed will be amazed at Jesus." 2 Thessalonians 1:10

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