150,000 people will die today!
Do you know where YOU will spend eternity?
Take the GOOD PERSON test below to find out!



Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sowers Class Update 3/1

Hungry for some down home cookin?
For our next class activity we'll be servin up some of our families finest recipes!
Mark your calendars for our next Sowers Class Activity!
March 14th @ 6:00 in our classroom.

Prayer Requests:
-Please pray for Lori's dad who has more advanced cancer than doctors have previously thought.
-Dianne's parents are both not doing very well. Her mom has a consistent cough and her dad has pneumonia and dementia. Their
health issues will result in them having to move out of their home. Please be with them Lord as they move into a new place.
-Please continue for Gail as she is still recovering from her terrible fall.
-Lord, be with Troy and Jenney in their ministry.
-Keep watch over Mr. & Mrs. Good. We are so blessed to have them in our lives. Thank you for your constant encouragement and prayers!
-Be with each and every person in our class. May we truly be DOERS of your word, Lord!

Help us to be watchman and carry out our duty to tell others about our Lord and how we can KNOW where we will go when we die because
10 out of 10 people are going to die.
As Mr. Good said, "There hasn't been a person that has been born that doesn't need that salvation."
Watchmen have to watch and listen for the enemy because satan never quits."

Have you given out any bible tracts this week?
Have you prayed to have an opportunity to talk about the Lord with someone?

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