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Monday, March 16, 2009

Sowers Class Update March 15th

1. Baby Jackson had heart surgery last week and he is recovering from that. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
2. Tim's brother, Cory, was going to have back surgery yesterday, Sunday, at noon. Be in prayer during this recovery period.
3. Ken's uncle is going to be tested in the near future for liver cancer.
4. Gail continues to recover at home. May we continue to hold her up in spirit!
5. Pray for Willonda so that her job continues to go well and that she'll be able to come to church soon!
6. Pray for a student named Jordan that struggles with socializing with others, completing school work, dealing with the loss of his dad, and anger issues.
7. May the Lord keep Mr. & Mrs. Good safe throughout the two weeks they will be in Texas. May they have opportunities to minister to others while they are away, as well as relax!!!
8. Keep those from our class lifted up in prayer for the trials and needs that they have.
9. As families go away for spring break, keep them safe and give them opportunities to share God's saving grace with others.
Have a plan to pass out a certain number of tracts and work hard to achieve your goal. Set goals and pray for divine appointment.
10. Thanks to Al for his teaching this week.
11. Please call Amy or email her with tales about your witnessing encounters for our wonderful Lord and Savior!!!!
12. Pray about our Nehemiah Project!
Can you give $11/week for 25 weeks, $45/month for 6 months, or $275 one time gift to help repair our buildings??
13. Remember that the Magic Show Spectacular is THIS Wednesday beginning at 6:00. David and Teesha Laflin will be performing Christian magic.
This event is FREE and for family and children of all ages.

Faith and Work: James: 2:14-24

faith and work are evidence of your faith in Christ.
What good is your faith if you don't do anything with it?
Faith should reflect Christ and point people to Christ.
Christ didn't sit and wait, but went where the needs were. (Where are you going this upcoming week? Do those people need the Lord's saving grace where you are going?)

James 2:18: You have saving faith - do something with it.
James 2:19: The devil cannot do any works that glorify God.
James 2:20: Do I need to show you what to do? (Chris set the example a long time ago for us.)
James 2:21: Abraham was saved through grace along, but was made right before God by his works when he sold everything he had.

Stay away from things that take time away from God.
James 2:22: If you have faith - let God see your works.
To be complete, you have to let your faith go to work and go outside your comfort zone.

James 2:23: Abraham trusted God and accepted Him. He became complete and glorified God.

The devil believes what you believe. YOU AND I NEED to glorify God.
James 2:24: It's by the works that completes me and glorifies me.
**Remember that actions speak louder than words."

Be DOERS of the word! Get some extra bible tracts this week to pass out during spring break! Let's get the best news of all out in the hands of others!
Don't make any assumptions - just pass out tracts and leave the rest up to our perfect heavenly Father!

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