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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Did You Get One of These?

I went with Travis' 3rd grade on a field trip to Wild Life Prairie Park in Peoria today. It was so fun to play hooky from the office and explore nature on a perfect fall day. Travis wanted to take two tracts with him as we were loading up this morning. We folded two $1,000,000 bills and put them in his cargo pockets. I'd told him before we left we couldn't just leave them anywhere - since we didn't want to litter in a state park - that we'd have to give them to someone.

The moment presented itself when we were checking out in the Country Store. One of the women behind the desk asked what school the boys attended. They said, "Calvary Baptist Academy". At her baffled look I added "in Normal, Illinois". I turned to Travis and said it was time to hand out a tract which he tossed on the counter. Not understanding one of the cashiers spoke to a man by the counter that he'd dropped some money. I opened it up and handed it to her and showed her the back and the information about salvation. While she read it I grabbed Travis again (he was shopping) for the second tract and handed it to the other cashier, who had finished with the other couple in the store.

Both women were reading them then and asked where we got the tracts. I said our Sunday school class handed them out on the Constitution Trail with free water and gatorade and that they couldbe purchased at www.LivingWaters.com. They asked Josh M. where he attended church and he said, "The same place as I go to school - Calvary Baptist Church." By then I had all five boys in my group rounded up with purchases secured and we headed for the snakes and reptiles. We thanked the two women on our way out and they wished us a good day as well. I didn't have as much faith as my son did when he put those two tracts in his pockets before the field trip. I went so far as to say to him he was responsible for taking them out of his pockets at the end of the day so they didn't go through the laundry.

He taught me two important things:
1. Travel with tracts and you'll know when the moment presents itself and
2. If you give the tracts away they won't be left in your pocket to go through the wash.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Way to go Janean!! Goes to show we have to prepare in faith. I pray that those two people will continue to think about what the Holy Spirit is speaking to them about...maybe they will greet you when you arrive in Heaven? =)Blessings-