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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Surrendering to Our Lord and Savior

Jennifer and I were excited to meet at our local Steak 'n Shake to do some "fishing". When we walked in, we scoped out the few people that were inside and pointed out two people that were sitting on the ride side of the restaurant that we could witness to. As the hostess was leading us to the left side, we politely asked if we could sit on the right side. As she changed direction she was taking us still away from the people we had already decided on to witness to. Jennifer and I looked at each other and shrugged thinking that this isn't where we wanted to go, but we knew that God is in control and HE is the one that will seat us in the exact location we need to be in. Jennifer reassured me that we could witness to our waitress and as she finished saying that, Cedric rounded the corner and cheerfully greeted us.

It was evident that Cedric was a people person and seemed extremely cheerful. He brought us our drinks and asked us if we needed anything else . . . Jennifer took no time in reeling him in as she asked, "Would you want to be warned if hell were a real place?" His face went from a genuine gesture of friendliness to pure business. He was definitely taken aback by Jennifer's directness and sincerity. He quickly sat down next to me as though this has been weighing on him for his entire life and he could no longer stand without the strength of our Lord. He told us that he knew hell was a real place and that he was heading there because of his lifestyle and some of the decisions he has made. He told us that he prayed each and everyday and was able to quote scripture throughout our entire conversation.

As he was taken through the law, he kept finishing our sentences with scripture and admitted that he would be found guilty, according to God's Law, and was destined for hell. He knew that he had to surrender himself to God, but something was holding him back. Ultimately he stated that he just couldn't surrender everything because he was not good enough or perfect enough. "Why would the Lord die on the cross for me after all of the things I have done in my life? I have two sons that are not right with the Lord and I pray for them everyday." Jennifer reminded him that because he was not right with the Lord, the Lord will not hear your prayers.

"Cedric, you are not assured another day on this earth and your next breath may be in Hell." This hit him like a ton of bricks, he hugged himself, closed his eyes, and repeatedly stated that this is not what he wanted. "So what is stopping you from giving everything to God?" He quickly bowed his head, took our hands in his, and prayed an absolutely beautiful prayer of repentance. The tears on his face, coupled with the new glow on his face, proved that the heavy load had been lifted and he could KNOW for sure where he would spend eternity.
What an awesome God we serve! We are thankful that we can now call Cedric our brother!
by: Amy

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