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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just hand them out!

MMMmmm . . . my daughter and I enjoy a delicious Starbucks Frappuccino every now and then . . .and we ordered our drinks from a highly enthusiastic worker. When I got to the drive thru attendant, she got us our drinks and I paid for them. In my purse, I keep lots of million dollar tracts and give them along with my payments.
I asked the sweet, college-aged worker, "Have you ever received a million dollars?" She replied, "No, not one of these."
I followed my question with a quick, "It's a bible tract and I think you'll really enjoy reading what it says."
She replied, "I absolutely LOVE these!!!"
Hmmm . . . the enthusiasm was so extremely wonderful to see and so I showed her the optical illusion tract AND the BIG MONEY tract and she cried out, "I LOVE YOU! These are so fantastic. I collect these!"
"Well, make sure to read them."
May this wonderful Starbucks worker put her trust in Jesus and share some of her collection with others too! :)

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