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Monday, April 6, 2009

Sowers Class April 5th Update

Be encouraged to tell others about the Lord! Give glory to God by sharing your witnessing encounters!

1. Saturday, April 18th is our Mexican Fiesta! Ole'! Mark the date!
We will meet in the Sunday School class at 5:30.
There is a sign up - please let us know what you plan on bringing! :)
We hope to see you there!

2. April 19th Sunday School Treats: Glennie
If you would like to bring treats, please email me back.

3. 10:00 Service on Sunday

4. Prayer Requests:
-Vicky's aunt, Joyce, has a mass on her breast. We pray that she has peace and comfort during throughout her treatment.
-Please keep 7th grader, Levi, in your prayers. He has had a few set backs this week in his recovery as 7" clamps were left
inside of him during his last surgery and those sites were infected. Please help his body to heal and give this family comfort.
-Donna's daughter, Tracy, is having problems in her marriage. Pray that the Lord will keep her safe and help her through some difficult decisions.
-Mr. & Mrs. Good's son-in-law, Greg, traveled back from Texas yesterday. He will have treatments in Texas and hope to find out what caused the
bleeding in his brain, as well as the spinal fluid. We pray for wisdom for the doctors and peace of mind for the entire family.
-Keep Amy from LeRoy in your prayers as she is going through a very difficult time with the loss of her two precious sons.
Pray for comfort, healing, and that the Holy Spirit will work on her heart for the need of salvation.
-Jeff's friend, Lonnie, died on Saturday and leaves behind a wife and three children. Please give this grieving family strength and comfort.
-Tim's aunt, Debbie, has been cancer free for ten years and now her cancer levels came back high after she had a PET scan. She will get
the results of the testing this week and find out if there is any course of treatment. Pray for peace of mind as she awaits her results.
-Lori's friend has a fifth grade son that has been on some inappropriate sites. We pray that he is able to make the right decisions
and turn his heart toward the Lord.
-Laurie is having more tests done this week. We pray for good results, peace of mind, and healing.
-Please pray for Angie, the music teacher at Amy's school as she has been struggling with vertigo and other health issues throughout the year. She has been
seeing specialists throughout the year and they are perplexed about her situation. Angie is feeling helpless, hopeless, and extremely down about her current situation
and her inability to teach and be at school. May she put ALL of her trust in our wonderful Lord and Savior and ask Him for comfort and healing.

5. Praises:
-Tim's sister-in-law had leukemia as a child and has had a high blood count all of her life. Until just recently, when she had a blood test come back normal for the
very first time in her life!
-Deanna's parents have finally sold their home in Texas.
-Amy had the wonderful opportunity to witness to the daughter of her custodian at school last week Thursday. We were able to talk about the Lord for about 45 minutes,
free of interruptions, and I was able to leave her with some bible tracts. May the Holy Spirit work on her heart and see the need for salvation!

6. Lesson:

Ecclesiastes 1:12
Three Great Philosophical Questions to ask yourself:
1. Who am I?
2. Why am I here?
3. Where am I going?

Try to answer these questions as if you are an unsaved person.

Once you come to know the Savior and are saved you will:
1. become a child of a king
2. have a purpose for your life
3. glorify God and spread His Good News to everyone that you meet

The meaning of life is elusive if you are not living for God.
Meaning in life is not found in what you THINK.
Meaning in life is not found in PLEASURE.
Your pleasure cannot become your God.
Your pleasure cannot be found in projects.
Your pleasure cannot be found in possessions.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

There is no safer place than in the hands of Jesus, our Lord and Savior!
Have a blessed week!

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